General information
No formula is needed to convert the Cambodian date to Gregorian, since the only difference is in the look of the numerals.
The digits used in Cambodia look similar to those used in Thailand.
From 1880 to 1953 Cambodia was under the protectorate of the French Republic. In 1953 Cambodia gained its independence. (Protectorate means that the state is being under the supreme control of another country).
The system of coin denominations in Cambodia
The currency of Cambodia is the Riel. The last minted coins were issued in 1994. In this year the 50, 100, 200 and 500 riel coins were introduced. However, they are no longer commonly found in circulation because of their lack of purchasing power, and bank notes of much higher value are used. The US dollar is now also used in Cambodia.
Interesting facts
Like its Thai “fellow”, the Khmer digit ‘2’ looks very similar to the logo of the operating system called Linux Mint.
Logo of the OS “Linux Mint”
Khmer numeral ‘2’
Another UNIX-based operating system called Debian has a logo that looks exactly like the Khmer digit ‘1’, if you mentally flip that logo vertically.
Logo of OS Debian (original)
Logo of OS Debian (flipped)
Khmer numeral ‘1’
The logo of Apple Inc., a company manufacturing the operating system Mac OS X, looks like the Khmer numeral ‘8’.
Logo of Apple Inc.
Khmer numeral ‘8’
Information about the most recent updates of the converter
Update @March 20, 2011: added section called “Interesting facts” and the first item concerning the Linux Mint logo.
Update @March 20, 2011: added alternative shapes of the Khmer numerals from ‘0’ to ‘9’ common for typeface (middle row) and handwritten style (bottom row).
Update @March 22, 2011: added the OS Debian logo to the “Interesting facts” section.